Thursday, February 22, 2007

Oh wheeeeere is my camera.....

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I can't find my camera. It has to be around here someplace. I think I will just blame it on Jerek. Yeah, he had it last....
I will just tell you about the good day I had Tuesday. I always have the kids wih me on the weekdays and never really have time to just be alone. Well we were in Coquille, where the grandparents all live, this weekend. Jerek's parents were coming up to our house on Tuesday anyway and we were coming home on Monday. We left the chillin's with them over night and they brought them back on Tuesday. I was able to sleep in late, do nothing for a few hours, take a shower without worrying about the kids burning down the house or killing each other, then I went shopping at the mall for a few hours. I can't rememeber the last time I went to the mall alone and just looked at thngs without a time limit or even had time to do anything alone without a time limit for that matter. It was very refreshing.


Dave Ketah said...

That's great, mommies need a break from time to time. Hopefully, not too far apart!

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Oops! Don't know what I did! What I was trying to say is... TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!

Jenn Sanders said...

Glad to hear!!!