Thursday, October 11, 2007

Here we go again...

I think the ticker at the top of the blog says it all.


Angie said...

No way! Did you just find out today? Congrats! I'll think girlie thoughts for you. :O)

Mandy said...

I found out on monday. And I KNOW it will be a girl because after I had Tait I prayed that God would give me a girl for the next one, and God has answered all the prayers I have prayed over my babies before they were born.

Wesly Smith said...

Here's hoping for all X chromosomes...


Natalie said...

Wow this is a fruitful year at Ethnos. Congratulations!

Ashby said...

WOOHOOO! I am glad it's okay to tell people cuz I already told a few. I just couldn't help myself. : )

Angie said...

What I want to know is why Ashby already knew and you didn't say anything last night if you were going to tell the world today. I could've used the good news...


Oh my goodness!!!!!You crazy woman!How awesome!Children are a blessing from the Lord,and He's blessing you like crazy.I will be praying for a GIRL!!!!I need to share my news with you.....NO I'm not pregnant,but it does involve a me!

Dave Ketah said...

That is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Congratulations! You are wonder woman!

Mandy said...

Wow. I didn't realize I had so many readers. Thanks for all the congrats. I need peayers mostly as this wasn't a planned thing and 5 is ALOT of kids! God, Grant me enough love and nurturing to go around.

Mandy said...

that was supposed to be prayers not peayers.

Kathi said...

Ah, Mandy....Already losing more brain cells with peayers, huh?

Congrats to all of you! I'm sure you'll end up being like all other families with more than 3 kids saying, "What's one more?"

Laura Anne said...

WOW! Congrats!!!

Everyone's preggers right now! And no! This does not make me want another one yet. :)

(Ask me again when I see the first newborn, and then another one, and then another...) :)

Angie said...

Laura, I'll be sure to ask when you come by to see the baby. :O)

beatlesxforxsale said...

Yay! Congratulations Mandy & co!


Thomas and Steph are right behind you!!!They just found out they are due in June!!!:)Just thought I would tell you!:)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I sent you an e-mail about a month ago, but I am not sure that you received it. When you have a moment (which I am sure is hard to find these days), I would love to hear from you.