Tuesday, May 15, 2007

You're only as old as you feel

So my birthday is tomorrow. I will be 28. Jerek has reminded me that I am only 2 years from 30. I have thought about my age a bit recently and I think I am a bit stuck at like 21-23. I find my self talking about people we know 20-23ish and saying they are my age, which Jerek is sure to correct me of. =) I actually don't have any problems with getting older.I don't mind at all that i am getting close to 30. Besides, who decided 30 was a bad age? The closer I get to it the younger it seems. When I think of myself, I never think of my age as a number.
I remember laughing as a kid how my mom had to think for a while to remember her own age. At the age of 13 you NEVER forget your age.
I was accused the other day of wearing a shirt that is too young for me and it got me to thinking about this. I don't want to be one of those people who you see and think, "It looks like she borrowed her daughters clothes" even though I have no daughters he he.
I am often faced with the same argument in my head( yes I do talk to myself) every time I buy clothes. I am not ready to wear mom jeans and those classic never goes out of style tops. I love the fashionable things that will go out of style in a couple years, but when are you too old to shop in the junior section? They have such cute clothes there, but am I too old? Why do stores have either juniors or the women's section with a vast difference in the styles? We have young or boring. Laugh if you want but this is an important issue! =)
Also when are you too old to wear 2 braids in your hair or pigtails? That is a whole other subject in itself.



You make me laugh!You ARE only as old as you feel!And you can dress however you want to!Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.:)I think about the fact that I am only 3 years away from 30 and like you, I say...BRING IT ON!!!!



Jenn Sanders said...


I had no idea.
Well, I'm going to be 31 next month I don't feel it at all!

I asked my girlfriends 17 year old daughter last year if I was too old to wear "Roxy" stuff... she said no. So, I move on :-).

I agree though. I don't ever want to be one of those ladies that is trying too hard... then again, it's not too often I think of myself as a "lady".

Ashby said...

Happy Birthday!!! I love the way you dress, Mandy. Buy/wear whatever you want. You look great!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mandy! I hope you had a great day!

Mandy said...

Thanks for all the happy birthdays! i had a good day, Jerek took me out to eat mexican food and he got me a cheese cake for my birthday cake.My favorite!

Angie said...

Happy Birthday! Sorry I missed the actual day. I still feel like I'm in my 20's. I'm not sure why everyone makes such a big deal about 30. And why do they have to call it thirtywonderful. Lame. People, I'm 31, end of story.

Ashby said...

mandy, i want to hear about your trip!