Monday, April 23, 2007


I don't know why but we have been plagued with illness for about 2 months or so. I went to a women's retreat on March 4 and I was coming down with a cold then. It turned into a terrible cough that I had until about a week ago which ended in a terrible sinus infection.
When I came home from the retreat Jerek started battling with some faith related depression issues, then over the next few weeks the boys and I also got the stomach flu which made it's way around the family 2 or 3 times, I lost count. Now Jerek has had a fever since Tuesday. He was feeling better Friday morning but I told him he should call the Doctor anyways as in my experience fevers don't just appear out of nowhere and instantly disappear a couple days later. He had taken Tylenol all night so I figured that was why his fever was down. Well at about 4 that afternoon his fever was back and he felt as crappy as ever so I had to take him to urgent care as the doctor's office was close then. After about 3-4 hours we came home with an antibiotic for him to take, but he still has a fever today. I am going to call the doctor today again and see what the lab results say.
I am starting to feel like sick is normal anymore. Jerek's brother is getting married in less than 2 weeks and it would be nice to be well for that.
Sometimes I feel this is a spiritual attack. When I came back from the retreat I had a renewed sense of the Holy Spirit and I feel I have grown spiritually quite a bit in the last couple months.
Jerek used to be the strongest one of us in the faith department so I don't see a coincidence in the depression and illness with my growing faith.
Pray for us if you think about it!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Giggles Galore

A friend of mine had posted this on myspace but I am going to repost it on this here blog as it is too cute not to share. Thanks, Connie!=)