Friday, January 26, 2007

I like to sew it, sew it!

I am so excited , I have to post it on my blog. My new sewing machine is finally here!
I ordered one from on the 17th. They sent me the tracking number and when I checked it on the 23rd, It was delivered to Athens, Ga. I called them to see what was up and the guy put me on hold for an insane amount of time. He came back and said he talked to UPS and they told him it was the wrong tracking number. UPS was to email me a tracking number in a day or two. Well that never showed up so I called UPS yesterday and they acted like I was stupid for thinking they could give me a tracking number. Overstock had to do that! So I called overstock again, and that lady said it was the right package but it got delivered to the wrong address somehow. She shipped out a replacement as who knows where my sewing machine actually ended up.
Today I get an email that gives me a corrected tracking number for the original order and the tracking number for the replacement order. Guess what?! The package was out for delivery from Tualiton. So I now have my original order which was indeed the wrong tracking number not the wrong mailing address, and I will be recieving my replacement next week. I have to call overstock and get a return lable when that one comes or we have bought 2 sewing machine and I only need one. Whew! Next time I think I will just go to Costco. My mom likes hers from there.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The language of body?

Here is a free lesson for those of you not fluent in body language. Watch. You might learn something. =)

Monday, January 22, 2007

So Tired

Tait fell asleep while playing today. I thought he looked so cute using his stuffed puppy for a pillow. Luckily he didn't awake when I took his picture. It seems to always turn out they wake up or quit doing the cute stuff when the camera comes out.
You might notice a bunch of socks under his head too. We use the laundry basket to keep him corralled in the living room. He makes short work of throwing all the socks out of the basket. Must be a very taxing job.=)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow Day

We woke up this morning to a blanket of snow covering the ground. It looked like so much fun the kids had to go play in it.

Hayden is so bundled up he can hardly move.

Jeshua got hit by a snowball and he is explaining where a piece of snow got between his mitten and his coat sleeve.

He is very disturbed by this piece of snow on his wrist.