Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A new hobby

My friend taught me how to crotchet yesterday. It is alot of fun. I made a hat today, but I think I did something wrong. It doesn't look like the picture on the pattern and it is too big. I had fun though. Rustin keeps asking me to make him a hat. I think I need to get a new pattern or smaller hook to make one small enough for him. I don't know enough about crotchet yet to know which one I need to change.
I should have learned this a few months ago and I could have made everyone a hat and scarf for Christmas. I am sure that would have been everyone's favorite present.=)


Anonymous said...

I've been crocheting a Christmas present as well. My grandma taught me one stitch when I was about 7 and I crocheted a very lopsided and uneven blanket for each of my dolls. Unfortunately, my skill hasn't expanded much since then. The blankets just got bigger. (Perhaps slightly less lopsided.) Hope the recipient doesn't mind. :) If you figure out the hat/scarf thing, let me know and I'll get to work this summer on gifts for MY half of the family. :)

Love, Nicole

Anonymous said...

I tried crocheting once... it made a loverly fishing net, yes it did.
Now knitting, I knit a scarf for Cruz that is as tall as I am, I keep stealing it from him, its really nice, but scarves is all I can knit.